Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday's ESM Show

All in all it was a good day. We didn't have a ton of traffic because it was a beautiful day. Most folks use what's left of the nice weather to get their yard work done this time of year. But we had a nice steady stream of shoppers throughout the day. I was good this year and didn't spend everything I made in food or more crafty stuff :o) The only thing I bought was a pet matt for Doxie. She's been cold a lot lately and she won't get out of her bed in the sewing room so I got her a handmade pet mat to put in the living room so she can hang out in there as well. So I only spent 10 bucks...pretty good for me!
Andy's stepmom had the table next to mine and she cleaned up. She makes gift bags with warm and fuzzy things in them. People love them for teacher gifts, so I think she went back home with maybe 3 of them.
Andy came in the morning and sat with me. I asked him if he would stay the day with me instead of going off with his dad......

Guess not. Xbox and Dad's promise of hot dogs on the way back to his place won the competition. I know, he needs a haircut. He's 14... you tell him and see how far you get. I'm just lucky to win the battle to keep it clean :o)
So this week I have to make up a few things to fill in the blank spaces made by sales yesterday so I'm read for the one next Saturday. I have some bodies under my table that just need to be dressed so I SHOULD be able to pull it off after work...but we all know how that can work out.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. The weather here has been beautiful. I've got my shopping done and the housework almost done, then I'm back at the machine! Have a wonderful evening!

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