Monday, November 29, 2010

Thank you Joni !!

I was winner in Joni's facebook friday give away last week and this is what I got in the mail today! A christmas candle just when I was unloading the christmas decs today. It's beautiful and I love it! Thank you so much :o)
I KNOW! I'm lucky. Feel free to be jealous for a moment......
Ok. That's enough. Jealousy makes you ugly. Just bask in my luckiness....:o)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

For Bridget....

This turned out to be an ordeal... the pictures stink because honey updated my computer and I can't find my photo editor. I asked him to help, but he's too busy playing farmville right now. In case you never knew...farmville is a very serious business and he has to get the vegetable master award ribbon. Then his life will be complete..
Then I couldn't figure out how to upload a photo right on the hive site so I came to my blog to do this. Jeesh! I just wanted to share some love... they not only look pretty, but they smell like lavendar. Awesome
For those not familiar with my hive friends.. these are by Susan Faye. You can find them at If there are any left, that is :o)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Quite possibly

the ugliest thing I've ever made

But for some reason she is growing on me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Under the Asian Influence

Tonights dinner was nummie. As I was shoveling it in my face I thought, gee I should share this. But with who? Then I remembered, I have a blog. But I don't usually talk food on it. So what? It's mine and I can do what I want.... So if you want something nummie to make for supper this week give this a try....I made it in the crock pot and that was the best because it was Monday and the last thing I want to do after work on Monday is cook, but the first thing I want to do on a Monday after work is pig out. I know, my life is full of conundrums like that.

Put two boneless chicken breasts in the crock.
Add: 1 Medium onion chopped up in small pieces
2 Medium stalks of celery chopped up
1/2 Cup of Hoisen sauce
3T Soy sauce
2 Cloves of garlic, minced
2T ginger (do not breathe this in because you like the smell. Especially not a deep breath. It hurts)
1T Brown sugar
1T sesame oil

Put the lid on and leave it alone all day.
When you get home, take a fork to it and shred it all up. Takes all the stress of the day away..

I served it on some sticky rice. It was enought for the three of us with some leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. Mine. I thought some snow peas would have been nice with it but I didn't have any. I did have some edamame that I steamed up quick that went well with it but you could also make a green salad with some asian dressing to go along. Or nothing. Maybe you don't want accompaniants. I don't know why I'm telling you what to eat...

Hope you all had a great Monday. I'm going to go try and sneak in some dollie time now....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday's ESM Show

All in all it was a good day. We didn't have a ton of traffic because it was a beautiful day. Most folks use what's left of the nice weather to get their yard work done this time of year. But we had a nice steady stream of shoppers throughout the day. I was good this year and didn't spend everything I made in food or more crafty stuff :o) The only thing I bought was a pet matt for Doxie. She's been cold a lot lately and she won't get out of her bed in the sewing room so I got her a handmade pet mat to put in the living room so she can hang out in there as well. So I only spent 10 bucks...pretty good for me!
Andy's stepmom had the table next to mine and she cleaned up. She makes gift bags with warm and fuzzy things in them. People love them for teacher gifts, so I think she went back home with maybe 3 of them.
Andy came in the morning and sat with me. I asked him if he would stay the day with me instead of going off with his dad......

Guess not. Xbox and Dad's promise of hot dogs on the way back to his place won the competition. I know, he needs a haircut. He's 14... you tell him and see how far you get. I'm just lucky to win the battle to keep it clean :o)
So this week I have to make up a few things to fill in the blank spaces made by sales yesterday so I'm read for the one next Saturday. I have some bodies under my table that just need to be dressed so I SHOULD be able to pull it off after work...but we all know how that can work out.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. The weather here has been beautiful. I've got my shopping done and the housework almost done, then I'm back at the machine! Have a wonderful evening!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Public Service Announcement

From me. No celebrities here :o) For years I've been listening to people talk about osteoporosis. I always think yeah, I know. One more thing for the Dr to get on me about. She loves to find things to nag at me for. Blah Blah Blah... Get my mamo. Get my pap. Don't eat red meat. Take your calcium supplements. I hear Sally Field carry on about her Boniva and think... I got enough to worry about right now Sally....Today I did a show that had a large range of older women pass thru. Some not so much older than me. I love to people watch. I was AMAZED at how many of these women had hunched over shoulders and noticed many different stages of this disease. It made me think again. Such a huge population of women are seriously affected by this and I wasn't even paying attention. Maybe it was my age.. I've been thru the having baby stage, then the hysterectomy stage, then starting the pre-menopause. I'll worry about it later. These things you just go thru, moving along thru your life taking it all one stage at a time. Some things you can change, or try to avoid and sometimes stuff just happens. Maybe I focus too much on the bigger fights out there. Contribuiting to cancer fund raisers and Aids research. Maybe I'm just ignorant. I don't know.
But maybe if checking in with the Dr, taking our calcuim supplements, sitting up straight and exercising will help ward off at least SOME of the symptoms of this disease, then maybe I need to slow down and actually listen to the information I've been ignoring so that I can do other stuff. I encourage all my sisters out there to do the same. Get up. Move away from the sewing machine (your easel, your knitting needles, your stove, whatever is floating your boat right now). Take a walk. Check in with your Drs, Stretch your back and for goodness sake take a Caltrate! It may not keep it away forever but maybe we can fool it into leaving us alone long enough to get some better advice..

Just a little PSA before I crash for the evening.....Take care of YOU girls!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My fellow Bees....

Ok.. I'm going to take a break and make a post! I've been sewin all day and I have the Hive connected to my blackberry so it keeps going off with everyone else's tales in the crafting world and I'm getting jealous because I haven't been able to post in a while. You all are having so much fun, I don't want to be left out!! It's a beautiful day here in central NY. The sun's out and the sky is bright blue. I baked an acorn squash and put the innards out in the back and it took about 3 minutes for someone to find them....

She is so fuzzy...and getting FAT. She binged for quite a while and took a chunk with her when she left. What you CAN'T see is what's going on in the house, so here is a shot of that......

Sally. She's merping real quiet and had herself flat as a pancake by the time our friend left.
But I REALLY have been working too. I have that first show next weekend and was feeling pretty good about it, then I rememberd that I stopped tagging and pricing things along the way so I'm going to have to back track a bit, but hopefully that is stuff I can get done in the evenings after my real job.

I know. That raggedy doesn't "go" with the grungy crowd. That poor thing has been sitting around naked for almost a year, then all of a sudden today, I found that fabric in my stash and suddenly... she's dressed! Just works that way sometimes.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Sounds like everyone has been very productive, which is one of the reasons why I'm here... MOTIVATION :o)