No finished dolls to post :o( But there is a pile of parts in my sewing area. So here is a photo of some spoiled kitties. They have a stroller and yes, I walk them and the weiner dog through my neighborhood. Steve isn't that fond of it, but she does humor me once in a while and allows me to take her out. Usually it's just Sally and the Ween.
I plan on having finished dolls up on etsy/ebay next weekend. Wasn't a very productive weekend. Went to a craft show and slept alot. A whole lot. I think it was a combination of stress at the real job and coming down with a little bit of a bug. But...back at it today! I sold out of just about everything I had done. Even some older pieces that I hadn't wanted to list because I felt they were "out of season". What did I know?! So that's a good thing. I've had good luck on ebay so I will be back there next week. Here's to a busy week of sewing and it's month end in the mortgage business! Headed off with a handful of vitamins and a weekend of rest under my belt....
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