Not ususally a word in my vocabulary... but today I can use it. I participated in my final show of the season yesterday...went out to dinner with honey even squeezed in some time to watch some Jack Sparrow last night. I spent the snowy morning taking pictures of all my leftover items and spent the afternoon updating the Etsy store (even got a new banner!) and my items for sale page on the ol blog. I even got the rest of the tree done! Bad photo, I know. It was a last minute decision to put it on :o)

Yesterdays show was not cool. I think this upcoming year I am going to try to get into some of the shows that are of the "next level" if you know what I mean... Usually there are a few non-crafters at these craft shows but yesterday was ridiculous. I am there with all my stuff competing with Pampered chef, wickless candles, Lia Sophia, and ( I am not kidding) Tupperware!! There was every type of corparate sales there is going on there. It was very disappointing. I think they should be upfront about calling it a "craft fair" or "arts and crafts show" if the majority are these types of booths. With that said, I have some other things to comment on:
What's wrong with this guy?

I have made some ugly things in my day. ( Mop head dolls and a certain plastic canvas sleigh filled with santas elves made of clothes pins come to mind) But the one thing I have learned is sooner or later they find a home. THIS guy can't. I don't think he's ugly. He may not be the best thing I've ever produced but for some reason he can't find a home. I have had him for a year now. He's been listed in Etsy, Ebay and I drag him to shows. For some reason no one loves him. Maybe I should keep him.
What would you do if you saw these guys in my booth?

I have this piece - It's a christmas stocking and I have a box with a candle and star with these guys in it too.
If I charged each person who *pinched* them yesterday, I wouldn't be complaining about the Scentsy Wickless candle chick.
What is it about these faces that makes everyone poke and pinch them? It was hysterical. At first I just shrugged it off, because I'm used to people handing things, but after it was pointed out to me I had to choke back giggles everytime I saw someone do it.
Doesn't take much to entertain me sometimes.
I'm off to update Etsy now... if I pull this off too, I may dance a jig.