Monday, November 23, 2009


This is Charlette. I made her from a pattern by Threadbare Primitives.
I've gotten quite a few patterns from here and she is one of my

favorites. She is made from muslin and calicos and has quite a bit of stain on her. My dolls final look is all about whatever mood I happen to be in. Some of them can get pretty grungy looking but then sometimes I do something totally different. I just finished making a white snow doll with bright reds and sparkley glitter. Totally the opposite of this one. Then sometimes, the doll dictates what they want to look like and I just
have to go with it. Any of you who also do this, will totally understand that one.
Didin't get too much done this weekend on the crafting front, but I did spend
some quality time with my sister and went for a drive Sun for some inspiration.
Friday night produced two bodiless heads. Costuming comes easier to me
than the faces so lately,when I get an idea, I've been working on the faces first,
figuring the rest will follow naturally. Hope I'm right, I have a plastic bin under
my sewing table full of "neat ideas"....This week I need to focus on my
Christmas gifts. I'm trying to make as many as I can. I think it means more-
not always sure what the receiver's attitude about it is. Jammies and
tote bags were my decisions for most of my gift giving. I started off with a
bang, but once the creative juices get going, I get sidetracked on what I'm
supposed to be doing and see dollies again. So this weeks agenda:
Christmas present sewing, Thanksgiving dinner making, family time,
and sneaking in dolly time. Oh, and I have a full time real job I have
to show up to. NO problem.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My first post!

Hello!! to anyone who stumbles over me right now.
This is all brand new to me but I've been watching and reading
everyone else for so long that I am hoping I can pull it off!
A little info on me, because this is looking sparse right now... I love to sew and
craft. I have been doing this for so long, I don't really remember
how it all started. Right now I've been interested in folk art and have
been experimenting in that area.
I have sewn all my life... clothes, dolls, home decor you name it.
Cross stitch, ceramics, dried florals, gift baskets, porcelain dolls, I've tried it all.
I have had good luck selling my items at craft shows, ebay and by word of mouth.
Because I like so many things, it's hard to label myself as any one type of crafter.
I always wanted to have my own place to make whatever I wanted that day without
having to say I'm a seamstress, or a doll maker, or whatever I decided to
be that day. Now, looks like a good time. My website is under construction and
I'm going to try blogger. I will be able to make whatever I want for today
and no labels :o)
I'm not much of a pattern designer so lucky for me there are so many
very talented designers out there that I am able to draw inspiration from.
I will always give credit where due so be sure to take a peek at the pattern designer.
I have nothing but respect for the original artists and what they create.
That is it for tonight- I promise to get some photos up soon and have
this place looking like someone lives here. Hope to see you soon and
am looking forward to getting to know you :o)
Carol Ann